NLCombinationStudies object

Applicable national regulations

One legal act for both study types available

Legal act applicable to both study types

Heilmittelgesetz (HMG), Bundesgesetz über Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, SR 812.21 (2000)/
Therapeutic Products Act (TPA), Federal Act on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (NB: en, non-official translation)
NB: HMG/TPA is also applicable to Gene Therapy trials

Other applicable regulations / implementing provisions (Acts, laws, decrees, ordinances, circulars, etc)

Humanforschungsgesetz (HFG), Bundesgesetz über die Forschung am Menschen, SR 810.30 (2011)
Human Research Act (HRA), Federal Act on Research involving Human Beings (NB: en, non-official translation)
