CATimelineAuthorisation object

General timespan (max nr days)


Mode of approval (General)

Explicit (written)

ATMP/GMO trials (max nr days)

NB! The HPRA strongly recommends that the applicant requests a pre-submission meeting to discuss the potential submission in these categories.

Mode of approval (ATMP/GMO trials)

Explicit (written)

External expert advice required (max nr days)

+ 90

Xenogeneic cell therapy (max nr days)

No time limit

Timespan counted from

Date of receipt of valid application
(Applications are validated on receipt, and start of the procedure is held pending submission of any additional information)

Additional Information

Ad approval procedure:
Once the application is validated, the application is assesed and wtihin 25 days (30 days ATMPs and GMOs), a written notice is sent setting out either acceptance of the request, with conditions if necessary, or grounds for non-acceptance.
If grounds for non-acceptance are sent, the applicant must respond and submit an amended request within 14 days (30 days - or more if HPRA agrees- for ATMP and GMOs). Following assessment of response, and within 60 days (90 days for ATMP and GMOs) of the receipt of the original valid application, a final written notice of the outcome is sent to the applicant.

Timelines for Authorisation procedures are described in detail in the Guide to Clinical Trial Applications, available on the HPRA website in section: Medicines>Regulatory Information>Clinical trials>Clinical Trial Applications.
